We can’t quite make out the Unique Pilot’s ability yet, but it has something to do with the Sengors Loop: But until we come to conclusions, we have yet to see the entire dial and that could easily make or break a ship. When I look at it, it feels like power creeping: a very, very good ship for, in my eyes, too low of a price. On the overview image, we can see that the most right pilot costs 36 points. But for that you have a pilot ability, a big ship, 6 upgrade slots, Evade, Focus, Lock-on, Boost, bomb-dropping, Segnors Looping, 3 Firepower, 3 agility, 4 shields AND 4 hull. We don’t know what the pilot abilities for the Assassin Dalton Droids are, but this title makes those ability a shared ability: so if you have two droids, both droids have both pilot abilities. One of the most notable futures in this ship is the IG-2000 upgrade card which is free and not unique: all Agressors can have this upgrade card.
ALL pilots from the IG-2000 expansion pack are uniques We have a new maneuver: the Segnor’s Loop There are Rebel/Imperial/Scum tokens that are probably used for new missions New Upgrade slot with the star wars Credits logo on it called the Illicit Upgrade Slot Things you can take away from the above image: Because droids don’t need life support systems, the ship could be cramped with all kinds of weapons, gadgets and other tech, making it a deadly ship indeed. One of these droids was on the Executor in the line of Bounty Hunters in the movies when Darth Vader hired hunters to track down the Millenium Falcon. They all work as a collective, on which we elaborate later. IG-2000′s are the ships for the escaped quartet of Assassin Droids. The faction’s color is going to be Yellow, so if you see ship tokens with a Yellow field of fire, you have Scum on your hands. Besides that is the Agressor IG-2000, then the M3-A Interceptor and on the right is the StarViper (notice that second capital there). From left to right, we have the Repainted Z-95 and the Repainted Y-wing, both attainable in the Most Wanted Expansion Pack.
Well… Rebels ofcourse can still take the Z95 and the Y-wing, but that’s about it. That means, Rebels and Imperials cannot field any of these fighters or uniques. You can see 5 fighters here for Wave 6, all which can only be played within the Scum and Villainy Faction. If you want to know more about the Wave 5 stuff that has been previewed just before Gencon, click here: Catching up: YT-2400, VT-49 and Armada.įirst off: all the fighters together. And here I was, just thinking I could take a weekend break from X-wing… Bounty hunters, The Hutt Kartel, the Black Sun and other criminal organizations now take to the stars in this brand new expansion for X-wing. During Gencon, FFG dropped a huge bombshell on us in the shape of an entire new faction: Scum and Villainy.